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13 November 2018

MOD Function Reminder of a Division

So far we discussed about how to get the INTEGER portion from a division.

In this article, we will discuss How to get the reminder part of a division in Excel.

Microsoft Excel provides MOD Function. MOD function is very simple and very easy to use.

Let’s discuss it.


The Microsoft Excel MOD function returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.

Note : The basic mathematics says that if we try to divide any number by 0 (zero), the result will be an indeterminate form.

Therefore, if the divisor is 0, then the MOD function will return the #DIV/0! error.

The MOD function is categorized as a Math/Trig Function and can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet, i.e., as nested function.


The syntax for the MOD function in Microsoft Excel is,

=MOD(number, divisor)

Parameters or Arguments

A numeric value whose remainder you wish to find.


The number used to divide into the number parameter. If the divisor is 0, then it will return the #DIV/0! error.


The MOD function returns a numeric value.

If the divisor is 0, then the MOD function will return the #DIV/0! error.

Example :

Suppose we need to get the reminder part of a division, the divisor is 5 and the dividend is 17.

The formula will be =MOD(17,5) or you can give cell reference as the below image shows.

Please look at the below image, which displays how to use MOD function.

How to use MOD Function in Excel
How to use MOD Function in Excel

Please note :

1.   QUOTIENT Function is used to get the Integer portion of a division.

2.   Whereas MOD Function is used to get the Reminder part of a division.

3.   The division result without reminder is simply use a ‘/’, without quotes in a formula.

I hope you have enjoyed this small article. Take care…
Thank you for reading…

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