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05 November 2018

Integer portion of a division – INT Function – The Problem & Solution

In my last article, I had discussed about Quotient Function in Microsoft Excel to get the integer portion of a division.

But there is another function which can also give the same result if applied, INT function.

But there is differences between these two, therefore, please take caution before applying INT function to get the integer portion of a number which we will discuss at the end of this article.

Let us first discuss INT function.


The Microsoft Excel INT function returns the integer portion of a number.

The syntax for the INT function in Microsoft Excel is very simple


Parameters or Arguments
A numeric expression whose integer portion is returned. You nay directly enter numbers with decimal or you can refer cells e.g., for division, =INT(A2/A3).

Note :

If the expression is negative, the INT function will return the first negative number that is less than or equal to the expression.


The INT function returns an integer value.

Example :

=INT(65.35)   Or    =INT(5/2)   or   =INT(any formula nested)

As the name suggest generally it is used to get the integer portion of a number, the result is same as QUOTIENT function, but there is a technical difference between INT & QUOTIENT function.
INT function rounded down the number, e.g.,
=INT(55.70) the result will be 55 and if you enter =INT(55.39) 

the result will be same as QUOTIENT function.

But what if the number is a NEGATIVE number ?

The result will be wrong. As INT function, will round down the number and rounding down for negative number will increase the Integer portion of a number.

INT Function & QUOTIENT Function
INT Function & QUOTIENT Function

Therefore, if you need to get the integer portion from result of a division, always use QUOTIENT Function.

Please note : INT will return wrong integer if the number is negative.

I hope you have enjoyed this small article. Take care…
Thank you for reading….

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