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04 October 2018

REPT Function

In this article, I will discuss about a very small function in Microsoft Excel, REPT function. Although REPT function is used very rarely in Worksheets but it is very useful in Excel VBA or Excel Macro.

Most probably REPT is derived from Repeat word, so we can easily understand that this function has the capability to repeat some data.

We will use this function in Excel Macro in our upcoming articles to repeat some specific data.


The Microsoft Excel REPT function returns a repeated text value a specified number of times.
It can print the numbers and special characters also.


The syntax for the REPT function in Microsoft Excel is very simple

=REPT( text, number )

Parameters or Arguments

The text or number or special character to repeat.

The number of times to repeat the text value.

The REPT function returns a string/text value.

Example :
The below image will clarify this tiny function very well.

How to Use REPT function to repeat texts
How to Use REPT function to repeat texts

I hope you have enjoyed this small article. Take care…
Thank you for reading….

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