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17 October 2018

Integer portion of a division – Quotient Function

In this article, I will discuss about Quotient Function in Microsoft Excel to get the integer portion of a division.

As we all know, there are three parts in a division and in a division, the dividend (Numerator) is divided by the divisor (Denominator) to get a quotient.

Parts of a Division
Parts of a Division

Parts of a Division
Parts of a Division


The Microsoft Excel QUOTIENT function returns the quotient or the integer part of a division.


The syntax for the QUOTIENT function in Microsoft Excel is very simple

= QUOTIENT (numerator, denominator)

Parameters or Arguments


The dividend.


The divisor.


The QUOTIENT function returns the integer part of a division.

Example :

The below image will clarify Quotient function very well. This function is very easy to implement.

How to Use Quotient Function in Excel
How to Use Quotient Function in Excel 

I hope you have enjoyed this small article. Take care…
Thank you for reading….

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