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28 November 2019

Excel Formula To Calculate Age in Years Months and Days On a Specific or Current Date

Hello Friends,

As promised in this article I will show you the process to calculate the exact age in Days, Months and Years from two given dates be it current date or any specific date.

I will use DATEDIF function to get the age in year, month & day.

Just to recall I would like to quote from my own article, "Please note, DATEDIF function is not like other functions, Excel will not help opening function argument box to be filled with data but if you provide all the data in correct order, it will help you a lot in future."


The syntax for the DATEDIF function in Microsoft Excel is as below,

=DATEDIF( start_date, end_date, interval )

*** End date must be greater than Start date

In the below article you can notice that I have taken Date of Birth in 'B' column and I have taken current date in the 'C' column and the result is in the next column.

Calculate Age in Year Month and Day
Calculate Age in Year Month and Day

Calculate Age in Year Month and Day - Formula
Calculate Age in Year Month and Day - Formula

Calculate Age in Year Month and Day - Formula
Calculate Age in Year Month and Day - Formula

To get exact age from a specific or current date we need to use the same formula and we need to use one function three times with CONCATE function or using "&" operator.

the formula is :

=DATEDIF(B4,C4,"Y") & " Years " & DATEDIF(B4,C4,"YM") & " Months " & DATEDIF(B4,C4,"MD") & " Days"

Note : I can modify this function using CONCATE function and then the excel formula becomes...

=CONCATENATE(DATEDIF(B4,C4,"Y"), " Years " & DATEDIF(B4,C4,"YM"), " Months " & DATEDIF(B4,C4,"MD"), " Days")

I use '&' to avoid extra function.

Now if we analyze the formula then we notice that the this formula is using DATEDIF function thrice but the last parameter is changing.

The meaning of these last parameters are as below.

Y       - The of Complete Year

YM   - The difference between the Months (Days and Years are ignored)

MD   -  The difference between the Days (Months and Years are ignored)

I hope it is quite easy way to calculate the exact age in years and months and days.

Keep reading and keep growing your knowledge in Excel...

Thank you for reading...

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  1. Productivity Expertz is a leading provider of training, engagement and consulting services. Its aim is to improve the efficiency of every professional that comes it's way.


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