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20 July 2018

SMALL function

In this article I will discuss about a very tiny function, SMALL(). As the name of the function indicates it is used to find or display the n’th smallest number.

Please note it should not be confused with the MIN function. MIN function returns the smallest number from a given range, SMALL function also do the same but the difference is that you can specify the n’th smallest number to display. For example, suppose given a number series as 24, 65, 33, 89; and I use MIN function to get the smallest number from these numbers, I will get 24 as the smallest number.

But, suppose if I need the second smallest number out of these numbers then what should I do ?

The answer is 33, the second smallest number out of these numbers 24, 65, 33, 89. It is easily identifiable by judging these numbers but suppose there are one thousand numbers and out of these we need the second smallest number; it is difficult.

The working of SMALL function is very similar to LARGE function, the only difference is LARGE function displays the largest data among set of numbers or array whereas the SMALL function displays the smallest number.

Here we will use the function SMALL. Let’s discuss the function.

Syntax :

=SMALL(array, k)

Parameters or Arguments


A range or array from which you want to return the nth smallest value.

k (nth_position)

The position from the smallest to return.

Example :

Let suppose we have four Zone’s target as shown below; now, if you need to find out that Zone which has the second smallest target value, you must use the SMALL function. The below picture will clarify the this.

How to use SMALL function
How to use SMALL function

Hope this article was helpful. 
Thank you for reading... Take care...

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