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02 August 2017

PROPER function Capitalize Each Word

Hi friends,

In my last article I discussed about the two functions UPPER and LOWER and at the end of that article I formulated one compound formula using five functions UPPER, LOWER, LEN, LEFT and RIGHT to get the first letter capitalized of a given word. The formula was =UPPER(LEFT(D3,1))&LOWER(RIGHT(D3,(LEN(D3)-1))).
It's a lengthy complicated function to get the first alphabet capitalized and the rest in lower case. Now if I need to convert a name with first name and last name then my formula will be more complicated and lengthy. To ease this task Microsoft Excel has provided one function PROPER. By using this function we can easily reduce our formula as well as time.

Lets' discuss about this function PROPER Function.
The Microsoft Excel PROPER function sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
The PROPER function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a String/Text Function. PROPER function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.
The syntax for the PROPER function is very simple
Parameters or Arguments
Text whose first character in each word will be converted to uppercase and all remaining characters converted to lowercase. It may be one or more than one word.

How to use PROPER  function?

Let's look at example of Excel PROPER function, how to use PROPER  function.
Please follow the below image, you just need to type '=' PROPER and press tab to get opening bracket and select the cell you need to get rectified, hit enter and done.
Proper Function in Excel
Proper Function in Excel
One simple function will change combination of five functions. Have look at the function marked in yellow colored in 'F' column, such a long complicated nested function - one simple function PROPER replaces the entire formula and its better then this complicated formula. Isn't it a useful function ? Yes it is.
I hope you have enjoyed this article also, thank you for reading.

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