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15 June 2017

How to use the VLOOKUP Function - Advanced Part 2

So far we used VLOOKUP without any dollar sign, but sometimes we need to move the formula to another cell by just copy & paste. Whenever we'll try do that this formula gets moved, therefore, we have to create a boundary to this formula and it is by using a Dollar ($) sign. You can put a doller sign by using keyboard or by pressing 'F4" key. Press this button thrice it'll show single dollar sign in front of cell definition like '$A2'.

Now we can copy and paste the formula as shown in figure, highlighted by yellow.

Now, while putting the formula in cells you might notice under range_lookup two options are coming, TRUE-Approximate match & FALSE-Exact match.

What are the uses of these two ?

Lets find it step-by-step.

As the name suggest if we select 'FALSE' it will find for EXACTLY match in the table_array, on the contrary if we select TRUE it will select APPROXIMATE  match in the table_array.

Exact match means, if this function finds an exact match, it will display a result otherwise it will give an #N/A error.

Now for TRUE part, we can use digit '1' and for FALSE part, we can use digit '0'. So the above formula becomes "=VLOOKUP($V2,$C:$D,2,0)" if we need EXACT match, and "=VLOOKUP($V2,$C:$D,2,1)" if we need approximate match.

Its very rare the we need Approximate match and it is easy to use '0' instead of FALSE while using VLOOKUP.

If you want to visit video tutorial for further clarification then please click on the following links...

How to use VLOOKUP Part 2

Or you can directly watch the video here...

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